Welcome! My name is

Ali Cherchar

I'm a

About Me

I'm a 4th year computer science student at the University of Virginia (UVA).


officeHours Web Application

officeHours is an open-source web application designed to help instructors at UVA manage office hours queues and promote an enjoyable learning experience for students.

officeHours is a highly optimized web application that brings an efficient solution to the office hours management problem at UVA. The application is reliable, fast, and secure. It can serve many students at once while maintaining high degrees of efficiency. It was developed on XAMPP using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. The application has not been deployed to production yet. It is scheduled to be tested by few instructors at UVA including Prof. Upsorn Praphamontripong (CS 4640) and can be used as soon as next spring.

quick-thooters Web Application

quick-thooters is a multi-functional web application developed by 5 students at UVA (including myself) to help connect students and tutors on UVA grounds.

quick-thooters was developed using Django, a Python-based framework, PostgreSQL database, and Travis CI. The project progressed according to the agile development process. The final product is currently hosted on Heroku and can be found here.

UN Voting Data

This is a machine learning research project conducted by Ali Cherchar, undergraduate student at UVA, and Tianxi Li, assistant professor in the department of statistics at UVA. The project was made possible thanks to the Undergraduate Student Opportunities in Academic Research, also known as the USOAR program.

The primary goal of this project was to train multiple machine learning models on the UN Voting dataset which contains voting information from 1946 to 2019. This approach helped us identify voting similarities between countries and most importantly understand the advantages, limitations, and drawbacks of each model used.

My Personal Website

You're currently browsing it :) The website was designed to be simple, informative, and user-friendly. Its development relied primarily on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

My Resumé


University of Virginia Dec 2021
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
  • Minor in Applied Mathematics

Northern Virginia Community College May 2019
  • Associate of Science in Computer Science
  • Associate of Science in Mathematics


Sep 2020 - May 2021

University of Virginia

Undergraduate Researcher
  • Designed statistical machine learning methods and algorithms for classification and data clustering
  • Extracted salient features from high dimensional data such as images, and large social networks for downstream analysis
  • Analyzed data using traditional methods and gradually move to design specialized methods
  • Presented findings to approximately 30 individuals including students and instructors
  • Shared results and code with the machine learning community
Aug 2018 - Mar 2021

Walmart Pharmacy

Certified Pharmacy Technician
  • Prepared reports by collecting and summarizing information
  • Researched and resolved health insurance claims
  • Trained and encouraged newly hired members


Programming Experience

Technical Experience

Let's Connect!

See You Later!